Category: Criminal proceedings

Criminal proceedings

Robbery: What penalties can be expected?

In recent years, there has been an increase in robberies, particularly among young people. The people involved are often unaware that even the violent taking of a cell phone can result in long prison sentences.

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Criminal proceedings

What punishment for child pornography?

Despite criticism from practitioners and academics, the government recently tightened the penalties for child pornography once again. This was prompted by criminal proceedings against a well-known actor.

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Penal system

Ankle bracelet instead of prison?

In this article you will find out under what conditions it is possible to serve a sentence by way of electronically monitored house arrest ("electronic ankle bracelet") instead of prison.

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Dilger/Strauss, The language of the supervisory board - language regulations and language provisions, Aufsichtsrat Aktuell 2015, Issue 5, 10

Heidinger/Strauss, Whistleblowing in Capital Markets Law in Gruber/N. Raschauer (eds.), Whistleblowing (Manz 2015)

Dilger/Strauss, Does administrative assistance break through banking secrecy? Format 2014, Issue 20